I studied fine art since the age of 10, and architecture (Moscow Architecture Institute) and film and animation (NYU Film School) as undegraduate. Learned programming at the age of 15. Between 1984 and 1992, worked in commercial 3D computer animation and visual effects companies on hundreds of commercials and motion graphics. Since 1985 exhibited digital art in group and personal exhibitions. Teaching digital art since 1992. Since 2008 I have been focusing on visualization of large cultural data sets, combining my background in art, design and programming with digital humanities questions. Below are the links to just a few of my digital projects.
Software Studies Initiative projects (2008-): Analysis and visualization of massive data sets of images and video.

Soft Cinema (2002-2005): The software edits narrative movies in real time by choosing the elements from a database using the systems of rules defined by the authors.

Little Movies (1994-1997): The first movie project for world wide web; investigates the aesthetic possibilities of cinema under 1 MB.